A Fantasy Come True


It came to me early last year while heading into work on the Q train, that someday I would love to record a collection of songs that exemplify the multitude of musicians and singer/songwriters who have had the greatest impact on me as a singer and lyricist. Of course that would require volumes and volumes of tracks, but this was just a fantasy at the time. Plus, Luck & Senses hadn’t been active for a good year or so, primarily due to the Luck portion of the duo (Andy) needing to commit much of his free time to his new day job. But I kept focusing on this idea and even gave it a name (End of the Silence) and thought, just set the intention and who knows how life will unfold.

Well, fast forward to this January and my vision was beginning to morph into a potential reality. Andy had reached the breaking point of denial as a musician and was ready to fit music back into our world one way or another. And when my sister Jane asked me what I wanted for my big birthday gift this year, there was nothing but music on my mind. I shared my End of the Silence vision with her and the GoFundme Luck & Senses campaign emerged. 

So, a gigantic thank you goes out to Jane and all of our fabulous friends and supporters who are making it possible for us to create and share music with you once again.

We are thrilled to announce that two very talented musicians, Jeremiah Fox and J. Granelli will be joining us on this project and we’re heading into the rehearsal studio in the very near future.  

We couldn’t be doing any of this right now without you, so thank you for coming on this journey with us and check back soon, for we'll be keeping you in the loop as our project unfolds.

~ Luck & Senses